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14 Flowers and Herbs That Repel Mosquitoes : The Saturday Weekend Review #256

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I love gardening but what I don’t love are mosquitoes so I’ve decided to fight back to try to keep our property and bodies free from the pests that can cause an itch and potentially serious disease in humans.

One of our biggest concerns when it comes to mosquitoes is the bite and not so much for the itch that follows but because of illnesses and diseases linked to mosquitoes such as West Nile Virus and Encephalitis.

Although not all mosquitoes carry a disease it’s still important to protect yourself and through research, I’ve found plenty of simple ways you can do that.

Mosquitoes and the West Nile Virus

There is a West Nile Virus and other mosquito-borne diseases national surveillance report that you can follow with the Canadian government if you’re interested in being in the loop of these pests.

What is West Nile Virus?

A bite from an infected mosquito can cause infection with West Nile virus. Infected mosquitoes can spread the virus to humans and other animals. Source- Canada.ca

You can buy all sorts of products that claim to help rid of mosquitoes from coils to sprays but if you want extra protection around the house to consider some of these herbs and plants that will repel mosquitoes so you can enjoy your summer months itch-free.

I had never had a run-in with mosquitoes until I moved to Canada from the UK and boy do they like me because I have that certain bacteria on my skin that spells, a free buffet!

The first year I was here I had bites on my legs and arms that produced golf-ball sized welts that took days to go away.

After a bit of homework about mosquitoes and how to protect myself and a visit to my family doctor I’m happy to report I’m covering all my bases when these little monsters come out to play.

Protection is key to fighting mosquitoes

How can you protect yourself from mosquito bites?

The verdict: I used Jaimeson Vitamin B1 daily, planted herbs and flowers that repel mosquitoes in the front and back gardens of our house and we use OFF mosquito coils, citronella tub candles, and mosquito repellent body spray.

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muskol insect repellent mosquitoes
One of our favourites is Muskol which is a Canadian Brand around since 1951 or OFF Mosquito spray both of which are reasonably priced.

It not only battles mosquitoes but it gives you 8 hours of protection from black flies, biting midges, deer flies, stable flies, ticks and chiggers.

It does contain 23.5% DEET plus related active toluamides where some studies believe causes brain damage and other harmful effects.

If you’re not a fan of putting anything on your skin you can try the other route which we also use and that’s homemade repellents and gardening.

You can also try making homemade repellents to fight off mosquitoes using oils which I will talk about a little later on down the post.

If we do get bit we have After Bite which we purchased from Amazon Canada for a small price but with a big remedy for itching and scratching especially for our son.

After Bite’s advanced formula with baking soda now provides even better relief for the whole family.

For over 30 years, After Bite’s pharmacist-preferred formula has provided instant itch relief for bites from mosquitoes, fleas, ticks and other common insects – so there’s no more scratching!

The proprietary mix of soothing ingredients acts fast when you need it most. Be prepared with After Bite and don’t let insect bites ruin your outdoor family fun!

Understanding Mosquitoes 101

What are mosquitoes?

You can read all about mosquitoes at Canada.ca

Mosquitoes are small insects that bite. Because their bites can also cause itchiness and irritation, many people try to avoid them.

Mosquitoes grow in still or very slow-moving water. Some mosquitoes lay their eggs on the surface of the water.

They lay between 100 and 400 eggs at one time.

The eggs hatch in 1 or 2 days into larvae, which look like small worms.

The life cycle from egg to adult can take less than 10 days if the temperature is right. The ideal temperature is between 22° and 27°C.

Only female mosquitoes feed on animal or human blood. They need blood in order to produce eggs.

Mosquitoes know you are coming from a mile away, well 50 yards and they want something you’ve got and they will stop at nothing to get it.

Not even jumping up and down and swatting them away will stop them.

What attracts mosquitoes?

Bacteria grow on our skin in the trillions but some of us are irresistible dessert trays for mosquitoes and they will come after you when they smell your body odor.

Chemical compounds

Some of their favorites are lactic acid, ammonia, carboxylic acid, and octenol (present in human breath and sweat). Mosquitoes are especially drawn to carbon dioxide.

The more you emit, the more attractive you are to them.

Larger people naturally emit more carbon dioxide than smaller people, which is one of the reasons adults seem to be bitten more often than children. Source

Movement and Heat are a big treat too especially when it’s a hot day or if you’re exercising which I find when I’m doing outdoor work or gardening. Since mosquitoes prefer old sweat it’s important to make sure that you shower as soon as you can if you’re doing lots of sweating indoors or outdoors.

How To Stop Mosquitoes From Multiplying

How can you control mosquitoes?

 I’m sure by now living in Canada you’ve heard not to have standing water such as pools, wheelbarrows, buckets, birdbaths or other objects around your property that will allow water to sit.

Even a sports toy such as a Frisbee can become home to millions of mosquitoes.

The reason behind this is because you’re now allowing mosquitoes to lay eggs right in front of you and then off they go to breed.

Typically, mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water.

Mosquito larvae hatch from the eggs and remain in the water, feeding on tiny organisms.

Once they mature, adult mosquitoes leave the water to breed.

14 Flowers and Herbs That Repel Mosquitoes

If you have a green thumb like I do take as many of these beauties below and create a beautiful mosquito repellent flowering pot to hang around your house.

You can make a few of them hang where you entertain guests so they not only look and smell beautiful but they are performing double-duty.


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citronella repels mosquitoes


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Rosemary repels mosquitoes

Lemon Grass

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lemon grass repels mosquitoes

Lemon Thyme

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lemon thyme repels mosquitoes


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Basil repels mosquitoes


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oregano repels mosquitoes


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lavender repels mosquitoes


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mint repels mosquitoes


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petunia repels mosquitoes


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nepeta-cataria repels mosquitoes


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lantana repels mosquitoes


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chrysanthemum-flower repels mosquitoes


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marigold repels mosquitoes

Lemon Balm

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lemon-balm repels mosquitoes

Light a fire to kill mosquitoes

Who knew? I have been to a few back yard BBQ parties in Ontario and everyone says to light a fire because it will help get rid of the mosquitoes.

I’m not a fan of inhaling smoke if I don’t have to but citronella is a favourite that most people will light in the form of a candle or sticks.

The citronella oil repels mosquitoes and keeps them away but using natural home remedies might be the answer if smoke is not up your alley.

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mosquito patio egg diffuser

I found this Skeeter Screen Patio Egg Diffuser on Amazon and thought it was a brilliant idea to share and purchase just to see how it works for us this summer. Perhaps you have a way to make one for free and if you do please share in the comments below.

  • Comes with one patio egg one 4 oz. Bottle of scents of nature oil one measuring cup and one plant fiber netting
  • Deet-Free/Safe for the entire family
  • Effective in semi-enclosed areas such as patios, garages, workshops, gardening sheds, greenhouses, stables, etc. Covers up to 200 sq. Feet

Homemade mosquito repellent

Angie over at the Chic Country Cottage makes these gorgeous mosquito repellent candles that I just had to share with all of you.

Make Mosquito Repellent Candles

As you will see the ingredients list is minimal and the costs are perfect for the frugal-minded shopper.

Add 2oz water or distilled water -2oz Apple Cider Vinegar or Witch Hazel (I used Witch Hazel) -20-55 drops of Bug Off Oil depending on the level of protection you need.

You might consider 20 drops for children or to spray clothing and furniture and stuff and up to 55 drops if you are going to a heavily infested area. And one important note- we all know normal bug spray can smell horrible.

I find this spray much less offensive- it does have Citronella but I find the scent to be very mild.

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homemade mosquito repellent body spray

Homemade Mosquito Repellent body spray is affordable to make and Mint Juleps n’ Muddin is sharing their recipe with the world.

I loved the idea of using the Listerine but not the whitening brand.

They also say that you will have to reapply it often compared to commercial spray but it’s just another option for the frugal-minded shopper.

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Bug-away Lotion Bar
Mosquitoes are not a fan of peppermint oil so if you have some around the house consider using it mixed with some water to fight them off.

You can also try your hand at making a natural insect repellent such as these lotion bars from Thursamaday which seem fairly easy and inexpensive to make.

  • 2.5 oz Beeswax
  • 2.5 oz Coconut Oil
  • 2.5 oz Olive Oil (Pumace) infused with Lavender and Chamomile
  • 1 tsp Catnip (dried)
  • 7 drops Lavender E.O.
  • 10 drop Eucalyptus E.O.
  • 1/4 tsp Tea Tree E.O.

At the end of the day, all you can do is prepare yourself for mosquitoes and hope that everything you’ve put into place to protect yourself and your family does work to fight these pests off.

Lastly, you can try this homemade recipe for mosquito yard repellant. It’s worth a shot.

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mosquito yard spray recipe

Oh, and if you don’t want mosquitoes in your house avoid keeping windows and doors open without screens and to limit lighting outside of your house where they like to congregate and wait for their flee indoors.

Related: How to Kill Fruit Flies DEAD with this simple recipe!

Discussion: What ways do you fight mosquitoes inside and outside of your home?

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Summer Fresh Rhubarb Salad with toasted cashews

Top Post This Week: Free Money Saving Tools

At The CBB House

This week our little guy finished his swimming lessons and passed, yay!

He will start the next set of lessons in July but in between that he is playing baseball and soccer which keeps us super busy.

There has also been talking about putting him in some summer camps that are day camps to get him involved with more kids his age.

He’s starting school in September which means lots of prep will be happening for us in the next couple of months.

I’m sure I will be writing some frugal-minded blog posts all about it.

We also made a trip to my mother-in-laws to take care of some legal bits for her and to make sure she made it to her medical appointments.

It seems like such a long drive just to do this but I’m hoping we find resources shortly that might help us out.

Other than that I’ve been gardening, blogging and working lots to get projects finished for the year. Our garden is small this year but looking good. Lots of pics to come but mostly herbs!

How was your week?



Send me a photo of your deals with the low-down on what you bought and how much you paid for it.

Did you score some deals? Each entry gets you a chance to win gift cards at the end of the year. More than one prize!

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jen garage sales 2018 june

Hi Mr.CBB and Fans!

This weekend we were able to hit up garage sales on Saturday and Sunday!


  • Ladies boots (Bakers is the brand which I believe is expensive) $6.50 (asking was $10)
  • Helmet (brand new and the sticker says $130 on the box) $5
  • Body Shop gift set $1 (asking was $3)
  • Gain detergent pods and scent beads, men’s shirt and two kids shirts $4
  • Two pair of kids shorts $1

Total $17.50

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jen garage sales 2018 june 2


  • Tomato cage-free!
  • Hooks $1 (asking was $2)
  • DVDs $2 for both
  • Book $.25

Total $3.25

The weekend total $20.75


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Awesome job Jen!!!

Frugal Recipe Of The Week

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Kathleen over at Gonna Want Seconds has this delicious looking Broccoli Salad which I thought was the perfect summer salad side-dish for any BBQ meal.

I was also thinking that Mrs. CBB might enjoy this Keto-style of course but it’s super easy to make, fast and inexpensive!

CBB Words of Wisdom

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Saturday Search Term Giggles

Every week I get tens of thousands of people who visit Canadian Budget Binder because they did a search online and found my blog. (SIC) means I’ve copied the text exactly and it has spelling errors.

Most times funny, Sometimes serious.

  • Don’t wake me up on Saturday – Haha, sounds like our son every day of the week.
  • Husbands who are spoiled– Hmm, sounds like a good blog post idea to me.
  • My money is not big enough– If you water it then it will grow

Don’t forget to Follow me on Social Media and Subscribe to the blog.

Hey…if you see any mistakes let me know. I’m not an editor just a guy who likes to write and yes I make mistakes.

Note: Some posts on CBB may be paid and written by me and is of my opinion of a product/service that I’ve tried and used before. Please read my privacy policy and disclaimer.

The post 14 Flowers and Herbs That Repel Mosquitoes : The Saturday Weekend Review #256 appeared first on Canadian Budget Binder.

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