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The Grocery Game Challenge May 28-June 3 Hot Hot Hot!

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We are now in the last week of May and it sure has been abnormally HOT for most of us in Southwestern Ontario.  Please let it rain mother nature! We’ve  been using the barbeque quite a bit for the past couple months.  Nothing like a bbq, and nice cold beer and having your mates around.

Since purchasing a new gas barbeque earlier this year we are happy with our decision of  buying one with the side burner and rotisserie. We use the side burner to boil potatoes, corn and small fry ups.  This saves us money rather than using the electric stove in the house with the added bonus of  not heating up the house. We have yet to put our Central Air on likely around July same as last year although we hardly use it.

We have also been cooking from scratch lately and rather enjoying the recipes I’ve developed in the kitchen. Recently I made Mr.CBB’s Slammin Chili with a Spicy Cheddar Bacon Corn bread which was so good and paired well with the chili. I’ll be posting the chili recipe later this weekend.

With that being said, this week was a slow week in terms of shopping as it is a no-shop week for us. A no shop week is where we have chosen to not shop during one week out of each month to save money and stop any temptation of buying stuff we don’t need or overspending.

I Made a Mistake! 

It looks like I messed up this month by accidentally not putting one receipt in our budget sheet which was the Shopper’s Drugmart shop of $42.60. We have overspent on the grocery budget this month by $36.20. That is how easy you can mess up if you don’t put your receipts in the budget spreadsheet.  I posted on the grocery game but not in the spreadsheet so I assumed I had more to spend than I actually did. No worries, I found the error and we move on.

Learn from our mistakes, own up to them! The important part is to catch them. So for this month we are a bomb… thumbs down but will do better next month!

Please post your shop in the comment section of this post as this is the last week of shopping for May and then I draw a winner.

Some people were asking for an example of how to post their shop. You can post your shop exactly how I post mine.

Here is the coupon match ups from Save Big Live Better for May 25-May 31~ Save while you shop using coupons and deals from the flyers!

Example from one of our players:

My weekly budget is $100 for myself, my hubby and our 18 month old. My budget also includes baby items like diapers, etc in the grocery budget as well as health and beauty items. I had $15.49 left over from last week. Lets see how I did!

May 22 Dollarama
Toblerone $.69
2 x York Patties $2.00
Total OOP=$3.04

May 23 RCSS
Quaker Crispy Mini’s 6 x $1.47 (on sale)
Cavendish fries $3.27
PC version of Turtles on blowout for $2.94 (reg over $8)
Diet Coke 3 x $4.77 (on sale)
Lindt choco bar (50% off pink sticker) $2.54 – $1.27
Oh Henry 4 pack (50% off pink sticker) $4.19 – $2.10
Popcorn $2.98 – $1.50 coupon (on sale)
Bread (on sale) $2.28
Bread pink sticker $2.89 – $1.45
Bread pink sticker $3.19 – $1.60
Strawberries $3.98 (2lb) on sale
Kotex 2 x $2.97 – $1.50 wub2 (on sale)
Sunscreen 2 x $7.99 (PM to Valumart reg $10.97) – 2 x $1.00 coupons
Tampax Radiant (on blowout) 6 x $2.44 – 3 x $3.00 wub2
Vaseline moisturizer on blowout $1.97
Sippy cups on blowout 2 pack for $9.49
Gerber puffs on sale $1.97
Huggies overnights diapers 2 x $9.97 – 2 x FPC’s
Multibionta vitamins (for my mom so I did get paid back for these) reg $13.99 PM to Rexall 2 x $9.99 – $10 coupon and $4.50 coupon

Total coupons=$48.44
Total CD (colleague discount)=$13.52

May 24 RCSS
Thinsations reg $3.49 PM to Giant Tiger 2 x $1.77 – 2 x $1.50
Tampax Radiant on blowout for $2.44 the 6 I bought yesterday came with $2.00 off coupons so I bought 6 x $2.44 – 6 x $2.00
Total Coupons=$15.00

May 27 RCSS
Goldfish crackers on sale $1.97 – $.50
Hot dog buns (50% off pink sticker) $1.98 – $.99
Ground turkey on sale $4.97
Banana’s $1.95
Oranges $3.41
Strawberries 2lb on sale $3.98
Covergirl blush on sale $4.97 – $4.00 coupon
Total coupons=$4.50

Total coupons=$67.94
Total CD=$13.52
OOP for the week=$108.67

I was $8.67 over budget but I had $15.49 left over from last week so now I have $6.82 left for next week Image may be NSFW.
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Come chat to us on Facebook, Pinterest or Twitter! Introduce yourself and please take a moment to play The Grocery Game Challenge. Here are the RULES!

Picture Courtesy of: Copyright (c) <a href=’http://www.123rf.com’>123RF Stock Photos</a>

Filed under: The Grocery Game Tagged: Budget, Canada, Coupon, deals, flyers, Grocery store, Home, Homemaking, money, Mr.CBB, over budget, recipes, save big live better, shoppers drug mart, Southwestern Ontario, spreadsheet, The Grocery Game Challenge Image may be NSFW.
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